Tuesday 31 May 2011

Privacy and the like... An Injuction post

So... this super-injuction malarkey for those of you that don't know is basically a load of bollocks.

Celebrities and people in a position of accountability and authority are taking all the good that comes with their high-profile jobs and existence (banquets, " of the year award" and general praise).

Yet, we are expected to 'look up' to these people because of the things we do and it is hidden from us about their misdeeds. Should a footballer be named husband of the year if he's been cheating on his missus with ex-models and prostitutes for god only knows how long?

Of course not, that'd be like awarding me Slimmer of the Year Award when I'm equal to Shamu the fucking whale. It's called hypocrisy. And the fact people are wasting thousands of pounds per day defending schmucks like these (it rhymes with Bryan Biggs) the worse off society is.

He's cheated on his wife - didn't want her to know then he shouldn't have done it. It's as simple as that. If I was married or with someone long-term I wouldn't cheat on them, get caught and then sue the person trying to tell the world. No. I wouldn't be stupid enough to cheat in the first place.

It's disgusting that he's going to try and get all 75,000 people in the UK who mentioned him on Twitter for the cheating, lying scumbag he is. What right does he have to take people to court? He has a super-injuction preventing the press from mentioning his affair - so what? Twitter isn't the press it's a social networking site and the 75000 people who mentioned him arent members of the press. He's a sad man whose made more trouble for himself then in the first place.

I hope his wife divorces him and takes half his shit.

You'd have thought being a footballer for a world-class team he'd know all about cheating when you play away from home though...